Throughout the course of human history, we have often forgotten to take notice of some of the...
In response to a call for input by the Special Rapporteur for the freedoms of peaceful assembly...
Pakistan’s Foreign Minister once announced that the country was going to the ICJ to complain about India’s...
With a tenfold increase in migration levels across the world, the issue of displaced individuals and refugees...
Code C of the Police And Criminal Evidence Act 1984[1] provides that a person, who is reasonably...
The core economic role of bank regulation is to ensure the stability and efficiency of the banking...
The discussants highlighted the constant tension between the state, society, and the individual in defining both the...
Freedom of speech is an often debated and deeply contested issue. This is because the boundaries between...
Introduction: International Law, in essence, is often viewed as the bare minimum structure that governs and determines...
Law Scholars presented legislative possibilities to fight COVID-19 with public policy options with comparative analysis over four...