Mazna Khan – UK

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Ms. Khan has recently graduated from Queen Mary University of London with a First Class History Degree. She is passionate about social change and have been working for the right of Kashmiri’s to self-determination. During her time at University she has organised movements such as the ‘Kashmir Solidarity Movement’ which bought the human rights violations in Kashmir to the attention of students. Ms. Khan would like to continue working on researching a crises which often does not receive the recognition it deserves. She has also undertaken modules such as the History of Anglo-American Relations and has a passion for foreign policy. Her dissertation revolved around the narratives of Partition in 21st century British discourse and it highlighted the dark legacies of partition in the UK and popular media. It argued that the most useful way to bridge the gap within the South Asian diaspora was for an honest teaching of partition and for individuals to challenge narratives and preconceived biases they have grown up with. She aims to work together to tackle the human rights issues. As a British Pakistani the work of the late Eqbal Ahmad, a Pakistani political scientist, continually inspires her everyday.